Need to get something off my chest...

I probably shouldn't blab my mouth about this but I need to get it off my chest! A coworker of mine who I will not name has been getting on my nerves recently.

As you all know, I work as an electrical engineer at a (I don't mean to toot my horn) pretty renowned company.  This coworker and I are working on a major project and we both have to submit proposals.

Whoever's proposal is chosen will be given a hefty bonus and will become Project Manager. He knows my proposal is much better than his but he continually tries to sabotage me! I lost my first design on my flash-drive and I swear on my mother's grave that little son of a biscuit took it while I was at lunch.

Then, after I spent the entire week redoing my design, he comes over, pretending to be all friendly trying to get an eye on my design! You best believe I shut my computer down before he saw a thing.

Finally, on the day we were meant to submit our designs, via handing them in to the mailbox of our boss, my tires were popped! Can you believe it? Thank the lord I was able to carpool with a friend.

Regardless, he will not get this project over my dead body! Hell, I think he might be willing to do just that!

It's times like these, we must be grateful for what we have and stand strong against those who trespass against us. I thank the lord everyday for my family, my job and to be alive.


So, I recently had a post about being a young father.

I just wanted to thank you all for the wonderful response to that post.

It meant a lot and I can't stress that enough. In light of all this though, as much as I love my daughter, I will not lie and say I've had no issues with her choices in men.

Her latest boyfriend is some guy she met online. And ever since she's been 'seeing' him, (Don't even know how that works) I've just seen her total attitude change. I hate to see her sad over a guy.

I have been trying to uproot her boyfriend with other nice guys at my work and I know it's messed up. But I just don't see any other options. This guy is not good for her.

Any advice? I don't want to control her life but I just know this guy is not good for her.

Thanks again for the support!

Dear Young Fathers

I know. You are scared. You are confused. You don't even know what being a father really means.

You will figure out. You will make mistakes. And you will forget her birthday and feel terrible. But does anyone remember their third birthday?

Let me tell you a little bit about my girl.

You see, she's grown up now and it's been hard for me. I remember when I had to tie her shoes and change her diapers, (Don't miss that too much :)) but then she started teaching me about life.

I know I don't talk about it too much but she really changed my life. I was a very young man when I had her. 16. It changed everything. I was so nervous. I didn't think I could be a father. Hell, I didn't know how to pay taxes. But when she was born, and I looked into her eyes, I knew I could do it.

I knew right there that I would do anything for her. No matter what came up, I would fight through it. Even when her mother, my wife, had some issues I'll go into in another post, we persevered.

I'm so proud of the woman she's become. She is a freelance designer and while I may be a little biased, I humbly think she is one of the best artists in the world. No exaggeration.

If you're going to be a new father, be ready. Be brave. And if you're having a daughter, be prepared to play princess tea time at least once a week.

Exciting Plans!

Plans for this year!

This year is going to be exciting for the blog! I plan to bring you with me on all of my adventures. With that said, here's my tentative schedule for the next couple of months:

7/14 - P!ATD Concert - Nassau Coliseum

8/16 - Karen's (My Sister's!) Wedding - West Point Academy

9/24 -  R & B Festival - Brooklyn Academy of Music - Taking Momma June

10/22 - Nitehawks Cinema Festival

Beard Treatment

How to properly care for your beard 101:

Hello gentlemen (and possible ladies sporting a beard, I don't judge), today we're talking about a subject near and dear to me. Beards. Ever since I could, I've had a beard. There's just something about a beard that says, 'man that guy's got it together' to me.

However you came upon sporting the epitome of life's goals, you too know keeping your beard together is a nightmare. And it's with that that I wish to share these tips.

1. Keep it clean. This is probably the most ignored and most useful tip I could give. Without proper cleaning, your beard will become host to last night's supper. And no person wants to smell that the next morning.

2. Keep it crazy. Have fun with your trimming patterns. This is your beard and hell, if it shows anything, it shows that you don't give a damn what anyone thinks. You like beards and you're going to have one!

3. Beard oil. I know what you're thinking, beard oil, what snake oil are you selling me here? The truth is, beards are wildly creatures and beard oil helps to tame your straggly monster.

4. When in doubt, get a professional. If you ever feel insecure about your trimming talents and have a big events coming up, have no fear, you have a beard! And you can also find a barber who will give your beard the attention it deserves.

Hope these tips helped you fellow beard bearers out there! Live proud. Live strong. Live hairy.

The World Turns!

It's been a lonnnnnng week! Haha, I can't believe my eyes at how fast Pepper is growing up. It seemed like just yesterday she learned how to crawl. Cherish your young ones because before you know it, they will be talking, driving, and walking out the front door.

Oh man, anyway, I should probably get going. Charlotte is calling me...